
briam 2.jpg


  • Courgette

  • Aubergine

  • Vine Tomato

  • Variety of Bell Peppers

  • Red Onion

  • Potato

  • Dill

  • Parsley

  • Plum Tomatoes

  • 1 Tbsp Tomato Puree

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Garlic

  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar

  • Dried Oregano (Greek if possible)


  • Feta cheese to crumble over the top

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Traditional, Colourful and Healthy. This perfect combination of veggies is a great way to experiment with Greek cooking using the most basic of fresh ingredients. A humble serving of well roasted Briam is welcome at any table in Greece and is typically served with warm, fresh crusty bread. A sure fire way to put a smile on your face.

How to Make It

  1. Slice all vegetables into circles or rings. Ensure the vegetables are kept fairly balanced in thickness and not cut to thin. Potato can be cut a little finer.

  2. Select a large baking tray and lightly oil the bottom. Next begin to layer your vegetables in any order you wish and repeat sequence until the tray is full.

  3. Season lightly with salt and pepper and give a good helping of E.V.O.O over the veggies.

  4. In a separate bowl mix chopped plum tomatoes, glug of E.V.O.O, puree, tsp dried oregano, salt, pepper, sugar, splash of water, and finely chopped garlic clove. This will form a tasty tomato sauce.

  5. Take your sauce and spoon it evenly over the surface of the vegetables until there is none left. Add small amount of some finely chopped dill and transfer to the oven for about 1 hr 30mins at around 160 degrees centigrade

  6. Once ready remove from oven and allow to rest and cool. Best served next day. Finish with some fresh dill, parsley and optional feta cheese for non vegans. Enjoy with some crusty bread and a glass of red.



Chicken Stifado


Stewed Peppers (Piperies Yiahni)